Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 6th March 2014

WET PAINT ALERT! The pimping new reception desk is covered in wet paint, do not touch! It's a staff only zone anyhow, behind there is where the coaches get some down time, watch shite on YouTube about beards, fart, and generally do cool stuff! Imagine a protective force field around the sexy desk! Ladies who shower, the toilet doors are wet! You can pee with them shut, just don't get it all over your smart clobber when you are not concentrating and are a little delicate post WoD.

No lifting tonight guys, you have the 6pm class NOT to cherry pick!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 Rounds each for time of: 25 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 15 Pull Ups 20m Shuttle Sprints (10m out, 10m back) Rest 60s

B: 4 Rounds each for time of:

Row 800m Row with a partner, rest until they have finished.

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