Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 17th July 2014

Unfortunately I have been away from the box for a few days and have been unable to see what James Hewett has been up to the past few days!! Therefore, I cannot take the piss out of him! This is upsetting but made better by seeing "Coach" Danny Watson attempt to re-start his own heart during a difficult training session by the means of a bench press precordial thump! So aggressive and AWESOME was said manoeuvre that he managed to complete confuse everyone around him by having them believe that he had simply dropped the bar accidentally onto his chest. Of course this was NOT the case, and he definitely did NOT trap his own hands underneath the bar; making him look like a T-Rex!! The problem with the whole event was that for some reason, compassion took over and I rescued the poor lad before I thought to take pictures and abuse him! I need to get a grip of myself. Immediately following the incident I did manage to sketch an extremely life like drawing of Coach Watson during his ordeal! #sucidegripisreservedforpros

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 10 mins

6 KB Swings (32/24kg) 8 TTB

B: "Helen"

3 Rounds for time of:

Run 400m 21 KB Swings (24/32kg) 12 Pull Ups

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