Some very cool things have come from this (last) years challenges, one of which you have to be a little bit wary of…splinter fitness groups for example.
Among you legends, small groups have arisen virtually via the means of what’s app and zoom, which are hell bent on helping those in need of improved fitness and therefore health. They are of course, varying degrees of the same measurement.
And I absolutely f**king love to hear about it! Hence why, if you know anyone who would benefit from a cheeky zoom class (with no requirement to even turn their videos on), then please get in touch. We would be more than happy to welcome them in.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time:
Run 100m*
1 Wall walk
Run 100m
10 Press ups
Rest 30 seconds between rounds

*(or 10s out/10s back)

Get those times up to socials please team…
