Sometimes people come into your life a little unexpectedly, when you least think, dig their claws in and do not let go! Lucky her name is Cath Knapton, we all love her and today is her birthday!

From a member to a members member, to a sister to most of us, not many folk I know would at the drop of a hat bring you: Penylan Pantry veg boxes; double cream; lend you her car or drive you to Swansea to get yours and swap a works shift to dog sit your utter nightmare of a cocaine snorting, possessed animal!

The fact that she is such a close friend is one of the many reasons why i am grateful for having CrossFit Cardiff, despite spelling her name with a K for at least 6 months!
But hey, maybe if I hadn’t have done that, things would be different!

Happy Birthday you legend, we all love ya!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 reps of:
Strict handstand push ups
Press ups
Dumbbell row*

*perform on both arms before moving on

F**k your workout videos…tag the shit out of Cath for her big day!

Cath K.jpg