Welcome to a new week, one likely to be filled with piss easy warm ups and chilled classes, at least until Thursday (I’m away for the first half of the week). Meaning that upon my return I will have to make up for it. Like when you rock up to the meet the lads late and have to play catch up!

Don’t worry, it will be fun! 😉

Once, in the 8 months of Commando training, while away on an exercise the instructors got smashed drunk and all slept in missing our usual morning thrashing. All of us were stood to attention outside, in the pissing rain and freezing cold, dressed in shorts and t-shirts for ages before gaining the courage to go back inside to the warmth and revel in our very rare morning off. That will be what Monday to Wednesday feels like! Thursday not so much! 😁

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
30 Deadlifts (100/70kg)
40 Box jump overs (24/20 - step down)
50 Toes to bar
40 Box jump overs
30 Deadlifts (100/70kg)