Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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Monday 10th of March 2014

WHAT A WEEKEND!!! The opening day was awesome, thank you all who helped out, Dr Raper AKA The Good Looking Ginger Anaesthetist was like 007!! Charming chicks, flogging t-shirts, destroying WoDs and beasting folk until the either did taster sessions or signed up for the on ramp. What a dude! Franco and Woody were selling ninjas! They kicked butt and took numbers! Even selling assault to children, they knew no boundaries!!!

Bradder' were really good at...pffft. Dunno. Only jesting Bradley, you were liking a coaching machine! Chewing no gum, without your hands in your pockets!! You were in everyones faces, impacting movement and keeping them at that threshold speed! People got better because of you buddy! Coach Glassman himself would of been proud!!

Now I'd like you to take 10 minutes from your day and watch this video. This is Coach himself explaining just what I will do my very best to ensure, enjoy...


Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 rounds, each for time of:

25 Burpees 20 Air Squats 15 Pull Ups Rest 2mins

B: For time:

30 - 20 - 10 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) Power Snatch (50/35kg)

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