Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 9th June 2015

So a brutal session today guys, and for a very good reason. The 30 - miler is the hardest tests of both physical fitness and mental fortitude that I have ever had to perform, bar none. It makes you wonder each step of the way what the hell you are doing it for; similar to this WoD. You all were complete heroes tonight, giving your all for an amazing cause, it wasn't just a workout. There was far more than that behind it. Love you all. CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: EMOM 10mins

Even: 5 Hang Squat Cleans (50kg) Odd: 15 Hip Extensions

B: For Time:

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlift (140/110kg) Wall Ball (20/14lbs)

Please post times to scores....