WoD - Thursday 26th July, 2017

Well that STOH got heavy fast, really fast! Rockstar efforts everywhere! Lots of folk pushing themselves with regards to weight and Sarah kicking ass at the 7pm class with her new found, slick as you like, double unders! 

Keep up that momentum Sarah, legend! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20mins, complete as many rounds as possible of:

Run 400m
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/25kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...

WoD - Wednesday 27th July 2017

Such a cool effort tonight team. That workout was no time easy, but you all attacked it hard.

Scaling the bar muscle ups like that will only lead you to actually getting them. Technique first and mastery of the fundamentals is what causes you to get really fit! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

3 Rounds for time of: 

75 Double Unders

25 GHD sit ups

10 STOH (90/70kg) 

Please post times to comments...   


Coach Greg Glassman.  

WoD - Tuesday 25th July, 2017

If you haven't seen them, get your assess upstairs to sit those peachy behinds on the new palate sofas. They are bad ass dude to the amazing skills of Sam Price, master of the sowing machine! Man they look good!

Just still be slightly wary of getting splinters, the sanding process is still to be completed.

Thank you Sam, not only do they look legit, but Ash will be spending his days stealing the internet and sleeping on the bad boys!!


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds For time of:

8 Bar Muscle ups

4 Front Rack Walking Lunges (80/60kg)

8 Burpess

4 Front Rack Walking Lunges (80/60kg)

Make the lunges heavy and hard!

Please post times to the whiteboard...


WoD - Monday 24th July 2017

Recently, my posts on Facebook have been filled with the news of so many of you academic ninja's graduating from University and I'd like to offer my sincere congratulations to all of you. 

I was made aware of one particular story which struck me as being pretty cool. Click on the link below to read about a seriously cool member of your community:


Congratulations buddy! You can't see me...but I am tipping my hat in your general direction!! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1

Just to make you feel good about yourself, here's a 17 year snatching 165kg!!

Now that's a set of nashers! 

Now that's a set of nashers! 

WoD - Friday 21st July 2017

Sooooooooorry about the late post. But, your wonderful coaching team were together and busy plotting a lot of cool stuff that will be coming your way, very soon! 

Thag atmosphere at the box tonight was fucking (sorry/not that sorry) amazing, the only downside is that as a result...your peachy butts will hurt tomorrow! 😉💪🏼 

Lets get gassy tomorrow!!

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds, each for time:

10 Chest to bar pull ups

20 Hang power cleans@50/35kg

40 Double unders

Rest 3 mins between rounds.

Please post each round time to the whiteboard.... 

And I love every single one of them!   

And I love every single one of them!   

WoD - Thursday 20th July 2017

Well that escolated, really fast!! 😳 Let's hope that none of you have to hold anything above your head tomorrow! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

Back Rack Walking Lunges

12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Progress to lift as heavy as possible; that good technique will allow.

Please post loads to the whiteboard...


Amber the gym dog??? 

WoD - Wednesday 19th July 2017

Never think that a med ball clean is going to be anything but brutal; they are the work of the devil! 

Tomorrow I challenge you to go as hard as you possibly can throughout part A, and beat the 8mins during part B. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Within 8mins complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Cal Row
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - ...etc of STOH (60/40kg)

Rest 8mins

B: For time:
Repeat your score from Part A, but with descending STOH (60/40kg)

It looks like that whiteboard shout read..."Ash is HAVING a poo"

It looks like that whiteboard shout read..."Ash is HAVING a poo"

WoD - Tuesday 18th July 2017

Now, even though the pallet sofas upstairs look bad ass, you will have to refrain from sitting on them for a minute or two; and for two reasons:

1. Sam Price is making super cool pillows to fit them. 

2. You will get splinters in your butt cheeks as they are yet to be sanded. However, if you do forget, don't worry...Dutch Maik has selflessly volunteered to remove them for you! 

 CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10min AMRAP: 

20 Med Ball Cleans (20/14lbs) 

15 TTB

Challenge yourself to go unbroken on those med ball cleans. 

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard... 



WoD - 17th July 2017

Tomorrow we welcome the newest batch of hungry on rampers, and they are busting to get into class!  

You excisting memebers, you know the deal, anyone who looks like a rabbit in a set of headlights, grab them and show them the ropes; we all remember how it felt to go to your first class! 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

10 Rounds for time of: 

Run 200m (both athlete's run every round)

Complete one round of:

10 Burpees

15 KBS@32/24kg

Alternate rounds of the Burpees and swings such that each partner does 5 rounds. 

Please post times to the whiteboard... 


WoD - Friday 14th July 2017

Well those rows sucked massive amounts of ass! I can't wait to see Suller's times! ;-) 

Team Ginger Crusts just finished at 20:49 GMT. 

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Within pairs complete as many rounds as possible in 20mins of:
15 Air Squats
10 TTB
5 Burpees Box Jumps (24/20")

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...

PS. Remember that there's no 09:30 class tomorrow or Monday morning. 

WoD - Thursday 13th July 2017

Cheeky little sprint tonight...5 cheeky little sprints tomorrow...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Perform 5 rounds, each for time of:

500m Row

Rest 3mins between efforts...

Please post time to the whiteboard...

WoD - Wednesday 13th July 2017

I have a request team. Beth is headed to South Africa on Saturday to help set up a charity organisation called inspire children and youth.

It is run by one lady and Beth is an ambassador. They mission is to break the cycle of poverty in the rural farms outside of Cape Town.  

We are looking for any donations of clothes toys and toothbrushes, sports things and judo kit would be amazing! If anyone has anything to spare could you please bring it too the box before your next class and I shall ensure that she gets it.

Check it out on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/inspirechildrenandyouth/

Big love to all and congrats to some many folk who PB'd their squat tonight. Mel, Stu, Matt P, Sam, Katie, Jade, Ash, and that's the only ones I saw. F**king legends! We'll need to implement the PB horn.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 

5 Rounds for time: 

10 Deadlifts (100/70kg) 

15 GHD Sit Ups

Run 200m

pleasr post times to comments...  


WoD - Tuesday 12th July 2017

After a moderate load squat with a cheeky rep range, we are going heavy! 

The goal for tomorrow is to progress through the reps by gradually loading the bar with more load for each set.
The mistake would be however, to start super light...in the words of Robbie Lawson..."NO, NO, NO, get after it from the start!" 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squat

5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1

Please post loads to the white board...

WoD - Monday 10th July 2017

Welcome back from a weekend of wonderful sun...surf...and...workouts??? Hopefully you all had some well earned R&R but did not get arrested!! 👮🏼😳😉

There is generally only the one thing that I enjoy more than exercised induced human suffering...taking the piss out of Jimi on this blog. However, I am happy to get it back, hence why I've posted the below picture...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD 


For time:

21 - 15 - 9

Cleans (135/95lbs) *

Ring Dips

 *today we are going old school, squat cleans. 


18 years ago today, proudly graduating Commando School. 16 years old and ready for a fight! 💪🏼😳

WOD - Fri 7th July

Partner WOD

25 minute AMRAP

10 HSPU  

10 Power Snatch (35/25kg) 

10 KBS (32/24kg) 

10 T2B

10 Front Rack Lunges (35/25kg) 

Complete movements before changing partner  


WOD - Thu 6th July

3 Rounds For Time

  • Run 800m
  • 25 Wall Balls (20lbs/14lbs)
  • 25 Pull Ups

WoD - Wednesday 5th July 2017

Evening all. Alongside this workout update, I write to give you guys some news which I am sure many of you have actually already heard.

For many years, Brad has been the Head Coach of Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. He has guided you through workouts with support and passion, teaching you how to perform some of the more difficult movements as well as the easier ones. He has helped many of you fulfil your fitness goals and smash training targets.

Brad is now moving on to pursue other ventures. The entire team here at CrossFit Cardiff, and I’m sure it’s members too, wish him the very best for the future. 

That being said, there are exciting times ahead for CrossFit Cardiff. Keep your eyes peeled for some big changes to your box, starting next week. You won't have to look hard...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Establish a 1RM, for the following complex:

Power Clean
Squat Clean
Push Press
Push Jerk






WOD - Tue 4th July

Within 2 minutes:

  • Row 400m/300m
  • AMRAP Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) in remaining time

Rest 2 Minutes.

Repeat for 5 Rounds.  Score is total number of burpees completed. 


WOD - Mon 3rd July

15 Minute AMRAP


  • Snatch (50/35)
  • Clean & Jerk (50/35)

*After every round perform 20 Double Unders


Partner WoD - Friday 30th June 2017

Teamwork will win the day today,  you've just got to ensure you don't have a melt down! They didn't mean to miss that wall ball target. 😉 

Synchrospewing commence... 

 CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

For Time:

21 - 15 - 9

42 - 30 - 18

Partner Deadlift (160/120kg)  

Synchro Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 

Please post times to the whiteboard. .


These two NEED to be a pair!!!