Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Monday 3rd of February 2014

Another solid two days of work at the box 2.0 and it's coming on. Won't be long now before you can use it to it's full potential. Morning goers, (and the rest of you squeaky clean individuals) the showers will be good to go from Tuesday! Just please, please do me a favour, until they are completely finished...try not to get water EVERYWHERE!!! The area immediately next to the showers will be sealed, but the rest is yet to do. Thanks!

Usually in CrossFit workouts are programmed to contain complimentary movement patterns, occasionally, it can be if value to program those which have very similar functions. This is called movement redundancy and today is once of those days. I told (some of) you that this was coming, enjoy...

A: Spene 10mins working on shoulder mobility as well as shoulder stability

B: For time:

21 - 15 - 9 Front Squat (70/50kg) Wall Ball (20/14lbs) *

C: 3 rounds of: 20 Hip Ext Rest 60s 10 Strict TTB Rest 60

*no scaling UP to 30lbs on these please nutters!!

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