WoD - Wednesday 13th January, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 13th January, 2021


The best way to get over it, why not smash yourself in the face with a cheeky arsed workout and then, chill the hell out with some awesome yoga. All of which you are able to do in the comfort of your own home!

However you are not going to appreciate one of those sections, and its not going to be hard to figure out which…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for maximum reps, within 2:30:
Run 400m
Squat clean thrusters (40/30kg)*
Rest 2:30 between rounds

*alternate if using 1 DB/KB

Barbell: 40/30kg
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs
Kettlebell: 24/16kg

Good luck, and the same as yesterday, if it’s not on instagram and tagged…did it really happen?

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WoD - Tuesday 12th January, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 12th January, 2021

Hello hello, I hope you found that seriously useful KB flow useful! Great for warm ups and cool downs, more movement is best. Less movement, well…sucks!

I have another very cool announcement for you all, please keep your eyes peeled on the gym social media accounts as well as the what’s ap group. A little add on to your membership and a thank you for the continued support.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
30 Sit ups
30 Jumping lunges

Who can do each set of jumping lunges unbroken? The legs will be burning like cray cray! Times and than up to the platforms please legends…


Monday - 11th January 2021

Monday - 11th January 2021

Happy Monday campers, welcome to another week of Iso. I hope you all had epic weekends, hopefully without raising your blood alcohol levels too highly!

Today we have a couple of pieces along with the daily workout for you guys to get your teeth stuck into.

First of all, a dumbbell/kettlebell flow. Look out for a video demo, posted on social media later tonight but the goal is simple…

I am old, it is cold. I want to warm up well for workouts, practice positions and have a goal. So, I picked up a 16kg kettlebell and set a timer for 10mins. The rules were, try not to stop moving, try not to put the thing down. Since (literally 3 days ago) it had evolved and I thought I would offer it to you.

Kettlebell/Dumbbell Flow

  • 10 minutes is the target time. Rest as you want, the goal for the end of lockdown is that you are able to complete the full 10 minutes

  • If you have differing loads then start with the light and switch as you develop. For example move for 9mins with a 12kg kettlebell and then for 1min with a 16. If you have only one, then approach like an interval. 2mins on 1 off. Do that for a week and then increase the work time.

  • During the 10 minutes, anything goes. Swings, cleans, presses, jerks, lunges, Turkish get ups, sit up get ups, front, back and overhead squats, thrusters and snatches. Just keep moving and get creative.

  • Stay slow and smooth but try not to stop moving.

Strength focus
I will be putting out a bi-weekly strength focus each Monday. Two session which can be done at any point throughout the week, considering equipment restrictions.
The focus will be time under tension with lower loading. There is no need to put as much weight as possible on and just get through it quickly. Hold yourselves accountable to the length of time stated per movement so that you are able to develop intrinsic strength and stress the muscle for longer.
The focal point is technique with load.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 rounds for time:
10 Burpees
30 Double unders*

*star jumps

Strength Program

Session 1:
1. Back squat OR goblet squat - 3x10 w/ 5s negative 
2. Bent over row - 3x10 w/ 5s negative

Session 2:
1. Romanian deadlift (RDL) - 3x10 w/ 5s negative
2. Strict press - 3x10 w/ 5s negative

Get times, videos and whatever elses up to the socials please…


WoD - Friday 8th January, 2021

WoD - Friday 8th January, 2021

Evening you lovely lot. I hope this Thursday evening/Friday morning finds you all well and firmly back into your lockdown routine.

There have been a good number of you all attending the zoom classes, so cool to see and very important for you to do so. Personally, I always dread a zoom call until I’m on it. It’s weird and not how humans evolved to communicate, but once you’re on it’s a good crack. Keep it up.

Just a small update as unfortunately we (business owners) have yet again been offered no communication from the Government. I have to look out for news updates and releases to get the same knowledge and warning for change as any other Joe pubic.
Meaning that I have no idea how long this is set to last for. I have heard multiple rumours, but we all know about rumours.

There are set to be reviews, and I will adjust any plans based upon such. Below are just some bullet points of ideas and information. Please feel free to comment or get in touch, any of you in wither the lads/lasses what app groups can simply request my number from there should you need to reach out (if you aren’t on either or, please again request to be added).

  • Zoom classes will continue as well as a zoom social. Keep your eyes peeled for that. CrossFit Cardiff officially opened it’s doors 10 years ago on February 6th. Some Brewdog will be consumed on that day!

  • Equipment can still be loaned out. Should you not have any then please please get in touch.

  • A bi-weekly strength program (understanding current equipment restrictions) and gymnastics movement program will soon be released.

  • I am developing a plan (based upon an estimated length for lockdown) for reducing membership fees.

Personally I would like to add a huge thank you to everyone who has continued to support local. I opened the doors to this what was very soon to be amazing gym nearly 10 years ago, not knowing if anyone would actually walk through the doors.
I was already working full time on a front line Emergency Ambulance as well as studying at Swansea Uni, f**k knows where I thought I would get the time to coach a class. How glad I am that I did.

Never did I think that I would be forced to close those doors, three times by the UK government, told that I couldn’t work.
At the time I was competitive, and at the time I was a high level CrossFit athlete. After only a short time coaching I understood how that although cool, wasn’t what made my heart sing. Developing a community which was wonderfully welcoming yet fiercely loyal meant so much more.
You all communicate that message daily, in what you might think to be simple tasks, gestures or good will, or with an importance laid on a mantra…as our moto has always been…Facta Non Verbal…Deeds Not Words.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
10 Power cleans
20 Back squats*

*goblet squats

Loading is dictated by the power cleans. You should load to a weight that you are able to perform all 5 rounds of with one break. Hold yourself accountable to this, as the stimulus of the workout will alter significantly should you load too heavily.


WoD - Thursday 7th January, 2021

WoD - Thursday 7th January, 2021

Some very cool things have come from this (last) years challenges, one of which you have to be a little bit wary of…splinter fitness groups for example.
Among you legends, small groups have arisen virtually via the means of what’s app and zoom, which are hell bent on helping those in need of improved fitness and therefore health. They are of course, varying degrees of the same measurement.
And I absolutely f**king love to hear about it! Hence why, if you know anyone who would benefit from a cheeky zoom class (with no requirement to even turn their videos on), then please get in touch. We would be more than happy to welcome them in.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time:
Run 100m*
1 Wall walk
Run 100m
10 Press ups
Rest 30 seconds between rounds

*(or 10s out/10s back)

Get those times up to socials please team…


WoD - Wednesday 6th January, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 6th January, 2021

Hump day and one hell of a ass and ab burner for ya. Get on a zoom call and thrash yourself with your internet buddies!

It’s only what these call of duty spotters have been doing for years! ;-)

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time, the following reps of:
20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Dumbbell snatch
Sit up

Dumbbell (50/35lbs)
Kettlebell (24/16kg)
Rucksack (whatever you can get in there)

Get those videos/timings up to social media, tag the living crap out of us!


WoD - Tuesday 5th January, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 5th January, 2021

The novelty of writing 2021 still hasn’t worn off, maybe it won’t until England now goes back into lockdown and the year plummets back into the depths of 2020!

Anyway, as we are unable to perform such typical rituals such as wish a person a Happy Birthday, on their birthday, face to face. Exchange a card signed by a massive amount of you, and allow the individual in question to perform a shit ton of calories on the new and far more savage Echo bikes, instead I have to use the blog to take the piss out of him and send our best wishes.

Penblwydd Hapus Alfie

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible, within 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
30 Jumping lunges

Get your arses onto a zoom class and or, get your workout videos uploaded to your stories. Hold yourself accountable to training by doing so…


WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

WoD - Monday 4th January, 2021

Man it feels good to write 2021 in the title! It’s over, at least that utter shitter of a year is, but…we are still in the fight.

With the silly season over, we are officially back into day one of training. 

Zoom classes

08:00 - 09:00
18:00 - 19:00

10:30 - 11:30

Create a routine, it really really helps. Get involved in class. You can train alone, or you can train with others.

Every single member who attends a zoom class is more than welcome to bring a buddy for the duration of lockdown. Free of charge. Give the gift of fitness and community!

Unfortunately, 2020 has taught us all about lockdowns and I’m sure none of you will disagree with the fact that they firmly suck!

But, lets not pay them lip service. Stay on top of your routine and you will be far better for it. Unless your surname is Gates or Bezos you are vulnerable. 

The whole point of the CrossFit community is for times like these...
Daily we support and cheer each other on to finish the last round of thrusters or the dying calories on that bastard bike. These moment’s develop something more long lasting and far more important. A camaraderie and relationship that extends far further.

We can’t write our annual goals up on our board and tirelessly devote time to them. And to that end I have a goal for you all:
Do one thing for someone else, everyday. Whether it’s known or unknown, public or hidden, do one thing that will positively benefit one of your Oppo’s.
In creating that habit, we won’t just come out of this time but come out stronger!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds of:
In 45 seconds...
Max burpees
Rest 15 seconds
In 45 seconds...
Max double unders
Rest 15 seconds

Please get those pictures/videos of your workouts uploaded to insta and tag us…

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WoD - New Years Eve, 2020

WoD - New Years Eve, 2020

Well thank fuck for that!!

But please, no one claim 2021 as “your year”. Lets walk in really slow. Be good. Be quiet. Don’t. Touch. Anything!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds, each for time of:
Run 400m
Rest 3 minutes between sets

Get those times up and send a huge bird 2020’s direction!


WoD - Wednesday 26th October, 2017

WoD - Wednesday 26th October, 2017

If you have a dumbbell or kettlebell then you can use it for tomorrow’s workout, only one! If you don’t you can try with a plate maybe or…get that rucksack emptied of notebooks, training gear…whatever is normally in there and fill the thing with sand and make it heavy!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time
20 Hang snatch (50/35lbs - Right arm)
20 Overhead Walking lunge (50/35lbs - Right arm)
20 Hang snatch (50/35lbs - Left arm)
20 Overhead Walking lunge (50/35lbs - Left arm)

RX: One 50/35lb Dumbbell
Any loading for any single object

Vids tagged and to insta please…


WoD - Tuesday 29th December, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 29th December, 2020

Ok ok, I have a few more opportunities for those who haven’t collected equipment to…collect equipment. Timings are below:
Tuesday 29th: 12:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 30th: 18:00 - 19:00
Thursday 31st: 11:00 - 12:00

A repeat workout is coming at you for tomorrow. Three simple movements, and ones I remember doing in the pissing rain and quickly all because of the…pissing rain!
It was on day 25 of lockdown 1.0. That to me, seems entirely bonkers. Of course due to the fact that we were told that we would be in lockdown for a few weeks and well…here we are, 9 months later and still on zoom.

Zoom class times
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 09:00
17:00 - 18:00
10:30 - 11:30

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Deadlift (60/40kg)
60 Sit ups
90 Double unders

RX: 60/40kg Barbell
1 or 2 DB/KB (If using 1, then hold in a sumo stance with both hands)
1 Rucksack held in a sumo stance as above

Get those workout videos uploaded to stories and tag the crap out of us…


WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

WoD - Boxing Day Bank Holiday

Evening all! Here’s to hoping that you guys are all at least not drunk, but possibly hung over. And if you are still drunk and not yet hung over…that it is kind to you when it arrives.

Please, please, please, could I make one more request for you all to bring down your used and messed up trainers. I know that you all have spanking new nanos and metcons, and maybe even no bulls or inov8s…soon to be dazzling your neighbouring CrossFitter with their shininess. You don’t need the others, but we need to protest the hell out of these latest restrictions by using them.

I will be at the gym if any of you are able to drop them off, on New Years Eve at 09:30. And, at other times prior to that TBC.

Please help.

Anyway, this little number should blow any cobwebs away!

Class time
Zoom: 10:00am

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time:
12 Front squats
6 “Bar” facing burpees
12 Push press
6 “Bar” over burpees
12 Thrusters
6 Burpees
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

1 Barbell 50/35kg
2 Dumbbells 50/35lbs
1 Rucksack 20/15kg

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WoD - Christmas Day, 2020

WoD - Christmas Day, 2020

Well that genuinely came around fast! No one would have thought that they’d have created the perfect ass shaped mould on their sofas ready for the next couple of days, by sitting on them for the majority of the year!

I hope you guys all have the very best Xmas possible, if you are on your own and suffering please just shout out. I’d happily make a trip to a doorstep or two to say hello and drop off any required morale!

Take care all, keep everything crossed that we are back and training again before you all get too many scuffs on your shiny new shoes!

Join us on zoom at 11am for burpees and xmas songs!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
For time:
150 Burpees

Get videos of as many family members as possible uploaded to SM!


WoD - Christmas Eve, 2020

WoD - Christmas Eve, 2020

Another adapted hero workout, one which you lot are not going to appreciate. Still, it will provide a decent calorie deficit (not that that actually makes any difference) allow for you to feel less guilty when stuffing your faces over the next few days!

Plus, if you have raging DOMs and can’t move, it makes sitting on your arse easier!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Modified Hotshots 19
Six rounds for time of:
30 Air squats
19 Power clean (60/40kg)*
7 Strict handstand push ups*
Run 400 meters

*Loading: pick whatever you like. Pick up something of a moderate load. Maybe the turkey!
*This is the only mod, strict HSPUs instead of strict pull ups

Get videos posted please, especially if you use your Xmas turkey as a weight!


WoD - Wednesday 23rd December, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 23rd December, 2020

We did today’s workout in Lockdown 1.0, on the 2nd of June. I think that was the last time I did a workout that was shorter than 15mins! Man the assault bike is going to hurt so badly!

U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard, based in Waterloo, Iowa, died April 13, 2011, in Laghman province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Roger and Becky Poock; his father and stepmother, Jeff and Jeanie Nichols; and his brothers, Nick and Joe.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
21 - 15 - 9 - 9 - 15 - 21 reps for time of:
Deadlift (100/70kg)*

Whatever load you have, pick it up and get cracking. This workout can be done with literally any weight or object. You are restricted by your imagination and mojo only. Just do it, you will feel waaaaay better for it.

Get those videos tagged and posted to SM…


WoD - Tuesday 22nd December, 2020

WoD - Tuesday 22nd December, 2020

Could someone with a little more education than me please explain why the toys, wellington boots, towels and t-shirts in sainsbury's will give you C-19 but the Dairy milk, biscuits, chips, fake meat and really fake meat won’t?! I really, really want to know.

Thank you in advance!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
7 Rounds for time:
11 Back squats
10 Push jerks
Loading (whatever you have)

Please get some video evidence of your isolated suffering up on social media!


Announcement - I really am sorry.

Announcement - I really am sorry.

I have written and deleted this post multiple times. What I really want to say shouldn’t be read on a public forum, especially seeing as we are still banned from the NHS intranet. And so I will refrain, what’s the point anyway…it’s only venting and unfortunately the big and almighty Drakeford isn’t going to change much if he reads this (I said nothing about a lack of sarcasm)!

So now, with a clearer head having pounded the pavements of Whitchurch late at night, nearly stopping off for a cheeky 23:00 hair cut in an open barbers (FUCK yes to that); taught my legendary dog something new (poor bugger is always the focus of my mind diversion - still, he benefits even if all he really wants to do is sleep with his balls in the air) and drinking coffee and not my entire Brewdog advent calendar I will post an update.

Yet again we have been dealt a cruel blow from the hand of a man who is likely petrified of COVID-19 and with good reason. I doubt that he has ever set foot inside a gym in his life. In fact I imagine he is the kind of man who would knowingly and wilfully eat a plate of smiley faced potato waffles and dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets (see above for sarcastic comment reference)! Likely pre-diabetic if not fully blown, and unfortunately with the attitude that the rest of the nation would be happy to share the same future.

Gyms are not the problem. They are not the cause of a spike in C-19 cases. If you disagree then I’m sorry but you are blind. Getting fit and healthy hurts, a lot. Making the right nutritional choice isn’t fun, especially at this time of year. But it matters, now more than ever.
Suffering during a workout, looking over to your class mates to see the same feeling printed across their faces is more important still. Why? Because the camaraderie developed through shared pain cannot be underestimated. It is life changing and life saving. Another oversight from Drakeford.

This has been an incredibly challenging year, in fact it has been utter shit! Still, we have done it before and we will do it again. A zoom class and and home workout in order to maintain rather than develop…but now, it’s more than that. This time of year is hard enough for folk, we need to stick together.
Reach out to folk, zoom call, FaceTime, text post on social media, whatever it takes.

We need to harness the true power of this community.
If you feel isolated reach out, if you need to talk just say, if you want a beer we can make it happen. Do not leave it a day.

No one is exempt from this. Last night, overwhelmed with frustration I wandered the streets, in the rain and on my own. Just to clear my head and think of the next move.

A few things in the short term:

Equipment Loan
I will be loaning out gym equipment for existing members. With winter definite upon us, the stipulation will be that equipment is to be used only inside. We may be able to train again some day and when we do, we need the equipment to be functional.
Collection timings (Pre Xmas - more announced following, Drakeford dependant)
Monday December 21st: 16:00 - 18:00
Tuesday December 22nd: 16:00 - 18:00
Wednesday December 23rd: 16:00 - 18:00

Zoom classes
Monday December 21st: 08:00 - 09:00 & 17:00 - 18:00
Tuesday December 22nd: 08:00 - 09:00 & 17:00 - 18:00
Wednesday December 23rd: 08:00 - 09:00 & 17:00 - 18:00
Xmas Eve: 10:00 - 11:00
Christmas Day: 11:00 - Burpees (we will find a way)

Updates will be released as we learn more from the government. Until then, big love & keep in touch

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 rounds for time of:
30 Double unders
15 Press ups
30 Air squats
100m sprint
Rest 1 minute

Get those rucksacks loaded for tomorrow’s workout! Times up to social media stories please legends

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WoD - Friday 18th December, 2020

WoD - Friday 18th December, 2020

Kerrie Orozco, 29, was killed in the line of duty on May 20, 2015. A seven-year veteran of the Omaha Police Department, Orozco was killed just hours before she was set to start maternity leave. Her daughter Olivia Ruth was born prematurely on Feb. 17, 2015, and Orozco had put off maternity leave until she could bring her daughter home from the hospital.

Orozco is survived by her husband, Hector; two stepchildren, Natalie and Santiago; and baby Olivia.

She began CrossFit at CrossFit FitFarm and also worked out with fellow officers outside the affiliate.

She exhibited a passion for community service that went beyond her police duties. She volunteered with the Special Olympics and was president of the Police Officers Ball to benefit Special Olympics Nebraska. She also coached baseball for the North Omaha Boys and Girls Club.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
10 Rounds for time:
100m Sprint
5 burpees
20 sit ups
15 press ups
100m sprint
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Please post total time to social media with a picture of your beautiful grids (faces).


WoD - Thursday 17th December, 2020

WoD - Thursday 17th December, 2020

We are revisiting a beautifully disgusting ISO open workout, just with a cheeky twist. And that being that you may well have to improvise with the weight that you use.
If anyone wants to borrow it, I have a disgustingly heavy rucksack in my shed that you are more than welcome to use! Please just make sure that you either accidentally lose or burn in on your way back to drop it off!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Iso Open WoD 2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible:
From 0:00 - 3:00
2 rounds of:
30 double unders
10 Swings

From 3:00 - 6:00
2 rounds of:
40 double unders
12 Swings

From 6:00 - 9:00
2 rounds of:
50 double unders
14 Swings

From 9:00 - 12:00
2 rounds of:
60 double unders
16 Swings

Etc., following the same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

Load options
1 Dumbbell/Kettlebell.

Please post completed rounds to which ever social media outlet that will get us more interaction!


WoD - Wednesday 16th December, 2020

WoD - Wednesday 16th December, 2020

Get those abs ready for the beach next year and those butt cheeks strong for cracking chestnuts in front of that fire on Christmas morning! Lunges and L-sits, how much better can it get…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 15mins complete as many rounds and reps of:
15 Second L-sit hold
30 Walking lunges
15 Glute bridges 
30 Walking lunges
15 Handstand push ups

Please post rounds, reps and videos to various social media platforms…
