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WoD - Thursday 27th June, 2019

WoD - Thursday 27th June, 2019

Holy forearms, latissimi dorsi and biceps tendons Batman. Next week we shall program the same workout but with 10 press ups added, is there a better way to prep for the beach?!

The problem with excellent anonymous banter is that it is very short lived! Due to the anonymity a retaliation is impossible and therefore as a result, hilarity ceases.
Now you merely have to be punished by a reduced level of entertainment as I am now terrified of inserting a , where it shouldn’t be. A ; out of place or even chucking in too many .’s in an ellipsis.
Now, I can still lead a of 8 heavily armed Marines in a live fire section attack, navigate 4 multi-million pound amphibious landing craft in echelon formation, at night. And intubate a patient when required, through the sunroof of his or her vehicle, and so once I have read my book, I will nearly be the whole package. All that’s left is to do something about my hair.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds For Time:
40 Walking Lunges 
20 Strict Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts (140/100kg)

Times up to the whiteboard please. Mind the friction burns on your biceps, not sure what I mean…wait until you get in the shower.


WoD - Wednesday 26th June, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 26th June, 2019

Kelly is one of those old school, vomit inducing, “I don’t really have to drop this Wall Ball” kind of, leg punishing workouts that often causes significant cherry picking.
It did just that many years ago, in the old gym, when we had a complete no show for the old 7pm class, something that hadn’t happened in years.
The remedy was brutally simple. Those who picked the devilish fruit, were forced to perform the workout, until everyone had been through. It was easy. Either that or they were made to walk to the local weir and cleanse their sins!

Now I’m writing this on Monday afternoon, and so and hopeful that I will be dunking some of you in the Taff tomorrow!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 Rounds For Time:
10 Pull Ups
10 Toes To Bar

Gymnastic and GRIP central. Try and get your times up please…


WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 25th June, 2019

The first day in nearly a week and I can now, just about, walk properly! Which is more than can be said for my mental puppy. He is so consumed by playing with other dogs that he is able to completely ignore any form of pain or pleasure.
Regardless of whether his eyes are barely held open through exhaustion, or if I literally insert his favourite treat up his right (hunting dogs’) nostril, should he spot another playful pooch (not limited to but including any Spaniel, Vizla, Terrier, Bulldog, Lab, Retriever, German Shepherd, Greyhound, Pug or Poodle, a Beagle, a Boxer, a Great Dane and even a Chinese Crested Dog), Oppo does not care, he does not display any prejudice, following a quick star down, the game is on…whether both pups want it or not!

He is, as I have come to know him as…”A little F**ker!! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 Box Jumps (24/20”)
30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)

Get those red whiteboard markers out please you squatting machines. Newly improved times to the board…

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WoD - Monday 24th June, 2019

WoD - Monday 24th June, 2019

Genuinely, I still can’t walk without locking my legs fully out on every step. Wednesday’s repeat hero workout brutalised me. Coupled with the Assault bike sprints and the 90 wall balls I did yesterday, the past few days have not been much fun!

However, on looking back at my score from September, I was actually surprised to find out that I had performed way less work; finishing the set of 46 Thrusters and some double unders last time around. The surprise was the pain. My legs certainly were’t ok after the first experience in September, but they were nothing like that.

I am utterly convinced that the difference in the numbers at least, is the community. Multiple times in the 11 years that I have been doing CrossFit, have I had this experience. Training on your own has never and will never cause athletes to push to their true margins. If you don’t believe me, do Fran alone tomorrow and let me know how you do.

Welcome to the week, I hope your legs are feeling far better than mine, as tomorrow they day has eventually come…retest day

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back squat
Within 30 minutes establish a 1RM


Good Luck!!

Back Squat.png

WoD - Friday 21st June, 2019

WoD - Friday 21st June, 2019

When I first started CrossFit I thought that it had a vendetta against my measly little legs, punishing them with squats today and lunges tomorrow, deadlifts the next. And then I listened to Sherwood. The sadist creator of CrossFit Linchpin, an online presence that I often turn to in order to punish myself.

Another lesson I powerfully learnt was that (look at it) programmed it’s workouts to exceed the capacity of the world’s fittest athletes. Now being a Former Marine I thought I was bullet proof, especially when I put the coveted green beret on, now I was 10 ft tall and bullet proof. Or, in the words of Ozzy Man…YEEEAH NAAA YEEEEAH! I remember looking at the workout Angie:
For Time:
100 Pull Ups
100 Press Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats
…and thinking “how the f**k am I supposed to do 100 pull ups in a row"?” and then being entirely humbled watching a video of Chris Spealer do it…

“Yeah but his feet are anchored in the sit ups!!!”…Okay!! 👍🏼

Tomorrow’s workout was not gained from Linchpin, nor, neither was it inspired by either, but it certainly will fit the above statements. Scale, preserve the stimulus, stay safe and fight another day…it will still mess you right up but don’t worry, this time you have safety in numbers…

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

Within Teams of 3, 3 Rounds for time of:
15 Overhead Squats (90/70kg)
75 Toes To Bar
75 Burpee Box Jump Over (20”)

One athlete working at any one time.

Please record total times to the whiteboard…

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WoD - Thursday 20th June, 2019

WoD - Thursday 20th June, 2019

Rather than entertain you with yet another hilarious anecdote, I have some house keeping…

The items from the fridge are not for free, on loan, nor do we enforce any form of payment plan. The gym works on a trust policy, it always has. We treat you like adults and fully expect the same in return. If you want something from there it’s more than ok, just pay for it, immediately and in full.
No balancing or IOUs can be accrued, I’m sorry but try doing that at Starbucks and comment how far you get.

The above statement however does not apply to beer. That you can have for free…

“So you’re telling me that your gym gets you fitter than any other could in Cardiff, while hanging out with way cooler people that you could find in any other in Cardiff, gives you free beer but wants you to pay for water…erm…sign me up!”

Anyway, back to it. And I am just a little bit excited about seeing what carnage this workout causes.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Max Calories on the Assault Bike, sprint for:
Round 1: 10 Seconds
Round 2: 20 Seconds
Round 3: 30 Seconds
Round 4: 40 Seconds
Round 5: 50 Seconds
Round 6: 60 Seconds

Between each round rest 5 times the work period. Eg. Round 1 10 seconds sprint followed by 50 seconds rest.

If you hadn’t already guessed, this workout is fun! Please calculate the sum of total calories completed and get them up to the whiteboard…

Oh and guess what’s we’re getting at the box…

Satan’s alternative ride!

Satan’s alternative ride!

WoD - Wednesday 19th June, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 19th June, 2019

Buns (of steel) ok team? Well you have made it through the recent squat focused cycle, with those of you who have smashed your midlines into the next oblivion with Ash and his devilish mobility classes, you can rest assured that whenever you are next required to lift a 1RM back squat, it will be far more than the last time you did so!

*no blame will be taken for those who don’t, especially if it is caused through being total muppets.

Tomorrow we re-visit a Royal Marines Hero from our month of September…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Royal Marine Corporal Seth Stephens was killed in southern Afghanistan on 1 July 2010.

Cpl Seth Stephens was posthumously awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for his bravery after rescuing comrades from the Special Boat Service who were pinned down by heavy fire 

In his citation for the award, that is second only to the Victoria Cross, the court heard that the former Royal Marine had "almost certainly saved the lives of his comrades" after exposing himself to enemy fire during a substantial gun battle. 

In a story that has never been told before, the inquest heard that Cpl Stephens was part of a large British and Afghan special forces raid on a Taliban headquarters in Helmand province. 

In the early hours of July 1 2010, Chinooks carrying the teams landed near Haji Wakil village in the Bahram Chah area at 2am and quickly came under determined enemy resistance. 

After more than five hours of heavy fighting the SBS force found "progress extremely difficult" as they fought their way through an orchard coming under fire from all sides, the inquest in Bournemouth heard.

On his own initiative Cpl Stephens, 42, used a ladder to climb a 9ft compound wall and began to fire down onto enemy positions that were attacking the men stranded in the orchard. 

"In adopting this position he would have been acutely aware of his own vulnerability," the inquest was told. 

A SBS commando who followed him into the compound was shot and wounded by an insurgent firing over a 7ft wall close to Cpl Stephens. The commando tried to warn him of the threat as the gunman had a clear line of sight onto Cpl Stephens. 

Between 15 and 30 seconds later Cpl Stephens was shot in the back of the head in the exposed area between his helmet and body armour. 

It is not known how many enemy were killed but outside court Lt Col Freddie Kemp, from the MoD's inquest unit, said it was a "significant firefight but we came out on top". 

Sheriff Payne, the coroner, said: "Cpl Stephens made a conscious decision to move to provide more effective covering fire. 

"He was in a very exposed position under accurate fire at increased risk to himself. 

"That single act of selfless bravery almost certainly saved the lives of his comrades."

Corporal Seth Stephens was a truly popular man. He was blessed with the innate ability to brighten the darkest room; he also possessed a disarming sense of humour. Measured and thoughtful, his strength came from a depth of experience and knowledge that he was keen to share with others.

Armed with a positive ‘can do’ approach to every task, he was a trusted friend and colleague. A team member he most certainly was, but it was as an individual that his true colours were best displayed. Never one to follow the well-trodden path, he was confident in his own abilities and was always looking for new challenges.

Above all else Corporal Stephens was a doting husband and father. His absolute dedication and unfailing love for his family was abundantly clear for everybody to see. He could always be relied upon to be there for his family and friends, whose needs he always placed before his own.

Their loss is immeasurable and our condolences go to them. If there is some solace to be gained, it lies in knowing that Corporal Stephens died doing the job he genuinely loved, alongside comrades that had the utmost admiration for him.

He leaves behind his wife Karen and daughters Heather and Molly.

Corporal Seth Stephens
Within 10mins complete an ascending ladder of:
Thrusters (35/25kg)
Double Unders
1, 10, 19, 28…
7, 16, 25, 34…
Adding 9 reps to each movement each round

Seth Stephens.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 18th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 18th June, 2019

Is it just me or as anyone else’s lungs and forearms on fire?

Now, don’t you guys stress out, tomorrow is planned to be the last exposure, purely to a back squatting heavy day until we re-test our 1RM next week. It is however a little different…we have a wave.
Work as hard as you can to push the loads up on the sets, take a slightly longer rest period on the way back up the reps with the focus being that you are able to squat the same loads.

Grit your nashers as it is going to be hard, hard but lots of fun!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squat Wave
9 - 7 - 5
5 - 7 - 9

Pyramid up and back down in weight. The Goal is to maintain the same loads for the sets of 7 and 9, on the way back up. 


WoD - Monday 17th June, 2019

WoD - Monday 17th June, 2019

I am extremely excited. In fact, I am as excited as an excited person who…has a special reason to be excited! And the reason why…it is my week to deliver to you a small window into my sadistic mind, done so through some good old fashioned, shared suffering.

And you…are going to love it!

Hopefully you have had awesome weekends, relish tonight, the last time this week that you will find yourself not in excessive amounts of DOM’s induced “discomfort!” 😉❤️😘

It’s all for you!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds, each for time of:
6 Deadlift (70/50kg)
8 Power Cleans (70/50kg)
10 Shoulder To Overhead (70/50kg)
20 Pull Ups

Rest 3mins between Rounds…

Each round is designed to be a sprint where athletes are expected to hopefully move throughout with unbroken sets. Scale loads appropriately in order to achieve this.

Grit your teeth and push hard! If you are able to operate a whiteboard marker afterwards, then please record your times to the whiteboard…

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WoD - Friday 14th June, 2019

WoD - Friday 14th June, 2019

Who’s got that Friday feeling? You know, the super special one where you have to go to A&E and sit in the waiting room without the ability to pick your nose due to the eye watering pain in your arms. There because in the past three days you bicep curled your power cleans, basically climbed a rope without any legs and finally early armed pulled the living crap out of a bunch of Sumo Deadlift High Pull?!
Well don’t fret, you don’t have rhabdo, but you likely do have a sweet pair of pipes to impress the ladies (and lads) on the dance floor tonight! Now just make sure you don’t dance like Davs and you’ll be just fine!

Now then, stand by for ALL the rets of the gymnastics…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
20 Alternating Pistols
10m Handstand Walk
10 GHD Sit Ups

Now that you also have abs that you can wash your knickers on, and an arse that will give folk on St Mary’s street whiplash just write Thank you on the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 13th June, 2019

WoD - Thursday 13th June, 2019

Danny Watson is only one man, but what a hell of a man! The (nearly) Ginger Ninja can climb a 15ft rope 156 times in an hour, now that is a serious feat! Nothing to do with this post (it’s all mainly bollocks of course), but he seems to do something to punish himself for a significant period of time once every 2 - 3 years, all to raise huge amounts of money for charity of course.

Now, the importance of this is technique focused…there is literally no way that he would’ve been able to do so with poor technique, not a chance in hell. As he states, rope climbing is all about legs, “legs and feet”. “And abs!”
Today’s WoD was a great example of how technique always wins. And, with that in mind, keep your eyes peeled for a new class coming soon…

Ps. If you want to laugh until you cry, ask Danny to tell you the story of the competition he attempted to compete in the weekend following the rope climbing record, and the Toes To Bar workout within that comp.
Pps. Many moons ago, Danny was a Coach at the gym, is one hell of a guy and I miss him everyday.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 rounds for time:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (50/35kg)
5 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups

Once your billy biceps have recovered, get those times to the whiteboard…

WoD - Wednesday 12th June, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 12th June, 2019

Now either you lot are cherry picking a strength day, or you’re taking full advantage of the fact that the weatherman is completely full of shit!

Clearly you now officially hate building strong legs and so I can offer ample reassurance that the back squats are only lasting for one more week, and next week we have an added twist.
Following that, normality will be resumed and therefore rather than making you do boring back squats weekly I am more than happy to program multiple variations of vomit inducing assault bike sprints! Which, you all obviously love far more!

Now then, enough of the sarcasm, here’s to Wednesday…

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

Teams of 3 complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 30 minutes of:
50/35 Cal Assault Bike
150 Double Unders
3 Rope Climbs

This round can be split as required, one athlete to be working at any one time.

Please record inventive team names and kick arse scores to the whiteboard…


WoD - Tuesday 11th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 11th June, 2019

What did the news say, a month worth of rain is due to fall within a six hour window? Wonderful hey?! Well at least that should mean we are done with it all for the next month? Is that how it works? I seriously hope so!
Speaking of wet weather, not too keen on playing rugby in the rain are you? This Saturday saw a ginormous amount of tactical withdrawals of ball emoji comments, just as soon as the weather forecast was announced.
Well well, all I can say is shame on you, you sun worshipping, wet weather fairies! All the rain really does is make that bacon taste better anyhow!

Lets hope that it clears up in time for tomorrow, 😬…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
Run 1 mile
5 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 800m
10 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 400m
15 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)
Run 200m
20 Power Clean & Push Jerk (60/40kg)

Place your slightly moist times to the whiteboard…

Rain run.png

WoD - Monday 10th June, 2019

WoD - Monday 10th June, 2019

Just in case you were not aware, the athletes - and they are athletes - who race in the Isle Of Man TT are absolutely insane! They all line up ready to rock, in the pit lanes and in order, mentally preparing to propel themselves on essentially the seat that they are sat on at over 200mph. Just imagine the mental fatigue it must take to focus so much for such a long period of time.
Just a little perspective…even I was blown away by the speed that they travel and the noise caused as a result…I flew from Liverpool airport, 199miles away, taking me 3 and a half hours to get to. The Superstock Race, won by Peter Hickman (google him) was a four lap or 152 mile race. He completed it in 52 minutes. Meaning if he had left Liverpool airport at the same time as me, by the time i’d gotten home i’d have found him sitting on my sofa, drinking my beer and smoking my cigars, stoking my puppy while wearing my slippers once he’d rowed naked in my bed…for approximately 2 and a half hours until I arrived. NUTS!

Anyway, back to normality and something as cool and exciting…a heavy day!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3*

The intention is to keep the load as straight sets, at 90% of your 1RM. The load from the first set should scare you, make you consider life, and cause you to either stand up the load with a serious risk of soiling yourself or failing…or both! Get those loads on the whiteboard before you waddle home…

Pete Hickman.jpg

WoD - Friday 7th June, 2019

WoD - Friday 7th June, 2019

Thank F it’s Friday! Mainly because I am coming home so you don’t have to put up with pictures of bikes and boring blog posts (no pressure).

Remember now team, the gym is closed for an L1 this weekend and so we have a couple of alternatives.
Saturday: 10:00 - until the last person is standing: Touch Rugby. Meet at the Roath Park Rec
Sunday: 18:00 - 19:00: Get stretchy strong with Liv and someone called Zen

If you choose not to learn and play new sports, use your fitness in a fun, outdoors type of affair, with your buddies who likely will all congregate on the nearest coffee/breakfast/ice cream joint, all muddy like…then enjoy your weekend you loooooooooooosers! 😉

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
21 - 18 - 15 - 9 - 6 - 3
Hang Snatch (40/30kg)
Box Jump Over (24/20”)

Go hard and fast, sprint the hell out of this workout, just like those nutcases at the TT…I had to get it in somewhere. Scores on the board and enjoy your weekends…


WoD - Thursday 6th June, 2019

WoD - Thursday 6th June, 2019

I bet you can all point your toes like arrows after all that gymnastics…that’s it! Man this beer is cold and good!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back Squat
2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2*

Immediately following each set perform 10 controlled hip extensions at a tempo of 5010 (down, pause at the bottom, up, pause at the top in seconds. Basically, slow down, fast up, no pausing)

*All sets to be performed at 90-92.5% of 1RM

Stick to these percentages and get those reps completed, chuck your loads on the whiteboard…


WoD - Wednesday 5th June, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 5th June, 2019

As stated, zero banter.

I do need something from you please though…prey for us. Prey that the rain gods get the f**k out of dodge and allow not only these lunatics to do their thing…but for HanBane and I to be less moist!
Thank you in advance!

A bit of a different stimulus awaits you tomorrow, all the gymnastics.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 10 rounds, every two minutes perform all of the following:
5 Gymnastics Kips
5 Toes To Bar
5 Pull Ups
5m Handstand Walk
Rest remainder of 2 min window.

Remember what I said about EMOMs. 🤦🏻‍♂️


WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 4th June, 2019

Just to warn you off…I will be in the Isle of Man this week watch some very skilful crazy people ride their unbelievably quick machines around the local streets…at 180mph, as you do. And, therefore, the banter on this blog will be relatively low for the next few days.

Apologies for those of you who relish in the daily update, the written diarrhoea that is spouted on a regular basis, potentially affording you a chuckle before bedtime. Or, more likely, one raised eyebrow following a small insight into my messed up mind.
However, upon request I am more than happy to send pictures of me drinking beer and videos of deafening, whiplash inducing blurs. Just let me know.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For a 35 minute running clock, perform one of the following within a one minute timeframe (EMOM style)
Run 150m
50 Double Unders
10/7 Calorie Row
10/7 Calorie Bike
*rotate in that order - 7 sets on each station*

It’s not often that we do an EMOM, but when we do…they f**king hurt. Scores to the obvious…


WoD - Monday 3rd June, 2019

WoD - Monday 3rd June, 2019

Isn’t it pissing down with rain in Cardiff? WTF Wales, it’s June, sort your shit out!

Just a little bit of housekeeping the gym will be closed next week for a CrossFit Training L1 Seminar. More wonderful folk are going through the L1 experience, so vital for the development of CrossFit. Below is the greatest piece written on the weekend, by the creator himself. It is well worth a read, and exactly why I devote a large part of my life attempting to teach it as well as he did…

“As the principal architect of the CrossFit L1 Training Certificate I’m sure I have a bias when asked to weigh in on its merits. That bias includes launching this course with the stated aims of producing the most effective and important physical training program on earth and likely asserts itself again when I tell you that we’ve knocked it out of the park with those aims.”

“The curriculum is the essence of what is needed to safely and effectively maximize the potential adaptation of the certificate holder’s prospective clients. The goal from the beginning was to translate the physiological model that is CF theory into a weekend long introduction to that material.”

“The L1 kernel is the most important thing a human being could learn in one weekend. It’s also the only place you can go to learn the truth about salient lifestyle choices that optimize quality of life.”

“This sixteen hour exposure to our world of constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement, fueled by meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar has transformed the health of participants around the world. Application of the L1 kernel has flensed nearly a hundred million pounds of fat and added a similar amount of denser bone and muscle to CrossFit training clients globally. An unprecedented 115,000 people have taken a course that will allow them to avoid obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease, autoimmune disorder, osteoporosis, end stage kidney disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and early check-in at the convalescent hospital while teaching them how to motivate, demonstrate, and achieve the same in others.”

“The L1 kernel produced a cohort of teenage girls at the Games this year completing workouts that no man on earth could have completed in the same time 12 years ago. The L1 kernel is the technology manifest in that advancement in human capacity. We are in sole possession of a technology of human performance. The L1 kernel is that technology. This certificate course has fueled the global explosion of 13,000 CF gyms and motivated 273,000 CF’ers to throw their hats into the ring in this years Games. In the darkening storm that has 100,000,000 Americans slated for type 2 diabetes, CF and it’s adherents, because of the L1 kernel and certificate offering, constitute the only bright spot on the horizon.”

“Our competitors offering provides no trainer training, just a test. It’s not even a test of training knowledge and human movement/performance, but a test of anatomy and physiology. The NSCA and ACSM tests are measure of one’s willingness to accept their sponsors view of healthy living. It’s an unconscionable deficiency that motivated our seminar’s creation. (The first L1 conducted was done so at the insistence of training agents from the US DOJ. That relationship continues to this day. The US Military is our biggest customer by far.) Our competitors are financially committed to their high-carb, low fat, machine based fare by a combination of woefully lacking science acumen coupled with complete dependence on Coca-Cola and Pepsi for money. Our competitors, the NSCA and the ACSM, and their big soda backers have created the exact mess that CF Inc., 13,000 CF Affiliates, and 115,000 CF trainers are successfully reversing. 100,000,000 Americans will get diabetes because of the ACSM’s lording over exercise science since 1954. Their commitment to hiding their sponsors’ devastating impact on the nation’s health is job number one at the ACSM. The ACSM/Gatorade essential role in the rash of exercise associated hyponatremia deaths is appalling and needs congressional investigation. All that’s wrong at the ACSM is probably worse at the NSCA. When you think NSCA – think Pepsi. When you think ACSM – think Coca-Cola. It’ll help you understand their utter betrayal of charter and how it is that these collaborations have proven to be so deadly and will continue to remain deadly. There’s no greater threat to American’s health than the ACSM’s backing Coca-Cola’s massive intrusion into the training space.”

“Licensure is a hail mary effort to achieve exactly what can no longer be achieved in the marketplace – keep the truth about diet and exercise hidden. The L1 kernel and certificate course are that truth.”

We will fight the good fight, via yet another quote from Coach…”do the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons.”

For those of you who are buddy for some weekend activity however, we have two amazing things for you:
Saturday: TIME TBC - whenever it finishes: Touch Rugby (meet at Roath Park Wreck)
Sunday: 6:00 - 7:00pm: Yoga

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 14 min of:
20 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
10 Power Clean (50/35kg)
5 Bar Hop Burpees 

Please post your first scores of the week to the whiteboard before heading out to enjoy the rain…

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WoD - Friday 31st May, 2019

WoD - Friday 31st May, 2019

Last day of May! Holly shit, didn’t see that coming did ya! Summer is firmly on it’s way and the sunshine is here to stay. Apart from yesterday of course, where it was raining! But, back squats don’t need the sun, so you’re lucky.

Long summers days of beastings, walks, BBQs, bike rides, beers and sun burns are upon us. Get out there and enjoy the weather, after your fix of course. Just think, be more like Aris and Alfie…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

“The Mule"
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (315/225lbs)
Burpee pull ups

This workout is taken from the Rogue Invitational and was a “sprint”. Kick those massive balls out of the door and scale to ensure an appropriate time. No staring at the barbell for longer that actually lifting it please!

Scores to the whiteboard…
